Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Over TV Families

I am so over all the TV families sitting on TV telling us how hard it is to raise their kids and deal with family issues while they are filming. If it is so hard to do then stop doing it! There are tons and tons of family out in the real world with no TV shows that are dealing with so much more then their issues. I am sorry if their families are falling apart, but they need to realize that there are people out there that have it so much worst. Be happy for what you have not what you don't have!
I believe that I was one of those people sitting in the hospital waiting room, waiting to hear about my daughter's 1st open heart surgery. I was feeling so sorry for myself; thinking why is this happening to us. Why would God do this to a 5 month old baby? But then I started to look around us and realize we did not have it so bad. Yes, are lives will never been the same and her situation did not look great but we had each other and we had God. I saw families and babies that were so worst off then her and our family. I saw mother crying because it did not look good for their child and the doctors did not give good news. I saw children with no hair but with the biggest smiles on their faces just happy to be.
To all those families on TV that think their lives are so horrible and that it is all falling apart around them. They need to take the time and look around them. See the mothers burying their children, see the children that are so happy just to live another minute. And above all ask God for help and you will receive what you need to over come the mountain ahead of you!

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